Production and sale of goat’s milk cheese. More similar to human milk, goat’s milk makes cheese leaner and more digestible, ideal for people who are lactose intolerant.

In our dairy production many are the goat’s milk cheeses, ideal as table cheese to eat light without giving up the taste.
Goat’s milk cheese, leaner and more digestible, feeds, does not irritate and deflates the abdomen, is surely to prefer to cow’s-milk cheese for people who are lactose intolerant.
Among the most important cheeses by Casera Monaci: Delicapra, a fresh cheese with a sweet taste and the characteristic triangular shape, Caprella, a hard paste cheese with a sweet taste and typically aromatic, Fiocco di capra, a soft cheese with a sweet, characteristic taste.
Among our latest dairy products: Stracapra, a soft paste cheese with a delicate taste, and
Dolcetto di capra, a small soft cheese with a sweet, characteristic flavor.