Welcome to the web-site of Casera Monaci

A history of passion and work started 40 years ago with the production of the Branzi cheese that still nowadays continues with the well-known “Il dolce Branzi Monaci” brand and with many other typical products. In our cheese factory we prepare, with care and passion, cheese like TALEGGIO, RICOTTA, MOZZARELLA and BUTTER. You can find all our  products in our outlet in Almenno S. Salvatore, and in many shops in the province of Bergamo.

Cow’s-milk cheeses

Production and sale of 100% Italian cow’s-milk cheeses. Feather in our cap, recognized as one of the best table cheeses from the Bergamo area, is our DOLCE BRANZI MONACI. Among the other cheeses the Formaggella della Valle Imagna, Quartirolo Lombardo DOP and Taleggio DOP.

Goat’s-milk cheeses

Production and sale of 100% Italian goat’s-milk cheeses. Goat’s-milk cheeses, lighter and more digestible than cow’s-milk cheeses, are ideal for lactose intolerant people. In our production you find also Stracapra, Caprella, Delicapra, Fiocco di capra and Dolcetto di capra.

Fresh Cheeses

In our outlet in Almenno San Salvatore, in the province of Bergamo, every day you find: ricotta, primo sale and mozzarella always fresh every day, produced following ancient artisan traditions with the exclusive use of 100% Italian milk.


Our yogurt is produced exclusively with 100% Italian milk coming from selected farms of our direct collection, a guarantee of freshness and quality of the product. It’s available in various flavors: white whole milk yogurt, apricot, banana, coffee, cherry, strawberry, red fruits, green apple, mint, peach-orange and hazelnut.


Our puddings and our table creams, delicious desserts always fresh and with only a few fats, an encounter of tastiness and health to pamper yourself to a yummy dessert at any moment of the day. The desserts of our production include chocolate and vanilla puddings, panna cotta and crème caramel.

Whole Fresh Milk

Our fresh pasteurized whole milk, exclusively 100% Italian, coming from the best cattle-sheds of Lombardy, especially from the mountainous areas. You can buy it fresh every day in our outlet, also on Sunday mornings.